
AUDIO PRODUCTS: 2UBES VTX Push-Pull Triode WiFi Remote Control Tube Microphone Preamplifier

My latest audio design. A dual triode vacuum tube microphone preamplifier for recording applications employing an embedded microcontroller to remotely control the device from a distance via WiFi. A motorized gain potentiometer and series of relays allow settings to be changed and recalled using a phone, tablet or computer. By placing the preamp closer to the mic and returning at line level, better signal integrity is possible.

A feature-rich interface, custom audio transformers, the clarity and headroom of vacuum tubes, plus keen attention to ergonomics make this exciting combination of old and new perhaps my best effort yet! Time will tell.

CUSTOM TEST EQUIPMENT: 24 Bit Audio Analyzer

Using a common 4 channel Focusrite USB home recording interface and the DSP power of LabVIEW, I was able to create a 24 bit Audio Analyzer to rival professional products at a fraction of the cost. I use this analyzer every day to create and refine audio designs. It delivers a full report of all the measurements in HTML

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